Degradation in Rome – Ofering to the Gods

May 19, 2016 at 4:38 pm, Category: BDSM Art, Mr. Kane

Degradation in Rome - Ofering to the Gods

Decius never really trusted his guards with the female slaves in his warehouses. He set up a system of rules and regulations and prohibitions, but he knew that when the men’s cocks were up, the men became brainless idiots. The slightest sniff of an unwashed vagina drove them crazy. He knew that many of the guards would be unable to resist the temptation, and sooner or later they would fuck the slaves.
Even his chief guard, Vorkus, could not be completely trusted. Decius knew that Vorkus sometimes turned a blind eye if he heard grunting and groaning coming from one of the cells. But in most cases Vorkus did his job well and reported any guards who fucked the women without permission. Offending guards were tied by the balls to a whipping-post and flogged. Sometimes, for his own amusement, Vorkus handed the whip to the woman who had been abused.
Virgin slaves were more valuable than others, and a guard who had penetrated a virgin was crucified and castrated. But even this was not always sufficient to dissuade some of the guards, who risked losing their balls to fuck a particularly attractive young woman.
Women who were penetrated were supposed to report the offence to Vorkus. If they did not, they were suspended on ropes, face down, so that their hanging breasts were an easy target, and they were caned all over their bodies. If they were pregnant, they were spared most of the punishment and were taken to the breeding warehouse, where they would give birth and so produce a new slave.

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