Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls – The dildo wasn’t overly thick

May 6, 2016 at 11:59 am, Category: Badia, BDSM Art

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls - The dildo wasn’t overly thick

“My brother say’s you’ve been acting like a real bitch since you turned eighteen!” Bob said as he drove his special punishment dildo into his niece’s quivering cunt. The dildo wasn’t overly thick, but it was layered in scales like a fish, sharp metal scales that had been hastily welded on, leaving sharp edges that cut her tender walls and gaps that pinched her flesh so tightly that it would tear her when he finally removed it.
“PLLEEEEEAAASSSSSSSEEEEE!” Tammy screamed as her delicate pussy erupted in a hellfire of tearing, grinding agony that shot up through her belly and lodged in the back of her eyes like someone had driven ice-picks through them.
“SHUT UP!” Bob said, pulling the dildo out of her quivering hole and driving it back in again, brutally ramming into her cervix. She nearly collapsed from the shock, but he caught her in his arms. Then, while her vision was still filled with dancing white lights of agony, Bob reached into her mouth and pulled her tongue out. “Hope you don’t mind the clip, I’ll find a nice rusty fishing hook to hang you by next time.”

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