I think we are going to share in the booty right now

February 1, 2020 at 8:46 pm, Category: 3d, Quoom

Safe passage
“This is not the King’s land,” Leandro turned to Caleb, “so my men are not in control of what happens here. I ask only that you leave that one” he pointed toward Saveda’s stretched body “right where she is. The other one” he nodded toward Carmen “you can do with what you want. But if you take off the leather strap around her chest, I am quite certain she will bleed to death. We will be back tomorrow with the rest of the King’s army to attack the Duke. You should be prepared to join us then if you wish to share in the booty.”
“Oh, my friend,” Caleb smiled as Leandro turned to lead his men back to the King’s castle, “I think we are going to share in the booty right now.”

Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!


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