October 28, 2017 at 11:24 pm, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments
The Chinns breed yet another western girl

The was an already-large and still-growing demand for slaves in the Third World. Mr. Chinn and Mrs. Chinn, opportunistic entrepreneurs if there ever was one, realized the long-range economics of such a demand. Of course, the physical satisfactions and pure pleasures of this sort of business did not fail to impress them, either.
The demand for half-white female babies was huge. Once of age, those female babies would be perfect slave-female flesh; ripe to provide almost all slave-female talent as unpaid maids, house servants, fucktoys, brothel whores, sex-show sacrifices, breed-whores and even worse. Over the last year, the chins, through their wide range of contacts, had arranged the abduction and incarceration of some one hundred of the best-looking Western girls. Mr. Chinn loved Western girls; they resisted enslavement so fiercely at first but once broken, they were such compliant white sluts. They might cry but they would do it while bucking their pale hips, making Mr. Chinn’s hard cock to do its own bucking, shooting its thick loads of baby-making cum.
As for Mrs. Chinn, she appreciated Western slave girls just as much, maybe more. She liked how they lost their pride after they experienced the agonizing distresses designed and directed especially by Mrs. Chinn. After being broken in and still being repeatedly raped by Mr. Chinn, those girls were so happy to show their humbleness to his wife – and they showed it by bestowing kisses, licking and sucking her sopping cunt and licking and sucking her pulsing asshole and widening their pretty mouth to accept whatever oozed out from Mrs. Chinn’s own excited holes.
This page, at high resolution, is available for all my patrons on Hines official website!
August 19, 2017 at 10:12 pm, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments
Madam Huzadi’s new toys

Western countries needed an never-ending supply of meats and produce products and Madam Huzadi was the CEO of the mega-corporation that specialized in these items; from their vast farms and other properties throughout South America and Africa, the food outlets in the West had a stable, reliable supplier.
But the Madam needed her own source of relief from the terrible responsibility of managing such a huge and essential business. She needed a stable of beautiful Western girls to attend her every need, to worship, adore and please every inch, every hole of her more-than-ample form.
Right now, her new French slavegirl Heidi, was burrowing her pretty head under a fold of Madam Huzadi’s fat stomach so that she lick and suck on the Madam’s needy clit with her pretty tongue. Huzadi shivered with delight as she turned her attention back to the blond American slave Emily. She had only spent a half-hour warming Emily up with her heavy whipping; she would spend many more days with the girl in order that she might be truly ready to train.
This page, at high resolution, is available for all my patrons on Hines official website!
May 19, 2017 at 2:07 am, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments
Broken and servile

Sergeant Guzman was a man who appreciated white Western girls, especially the pretty young college-aged ones like Brenda and LeeAnn. It was a stroke of luck for him to have intercepted their large group, all refugees, as they had crossed his country’s borders. Sergeant Guzman, along with the rest of the army in which he served, had been given the strictest orders to stop, apprehend and turn back or imprison all Westerners trying to escape the ongoing catastrophe and anarchy that ruined daily life in the States. Be as ruthless as you wish with them, his superiors told him; orders that Guzman took to heart.
Being ruthless came easily to Sergeant Guzman, who after rounding up the intruding group at gunpoint, separated the men and gunned them down. He liked the looks of LeeAnn and Brenda; he liked their large eyes and pretty faces; so that is why he left them standing while disposing of their half-dozen or so frightened, begging female companions. The Sergeant hummed to himself as he marched his two prisoners thru the dense forest; he was already thinking ahead of how he was going to punish them before indulging himself in the pleasures that both these girls would be providing him.
This page, at high resolution, is available for all my patrons on Hines official website!
March 27, 2017 at 9:53 am, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments
Island brothel of the sisters Chang

The female brothel owners referred to as the Chang Sisters consisted actually of Grandma Chang, daughter Miya and granddaughter Niyo. Together, they were a major cog in the criminal underworld that dominated the tiny, independent island nation of Tregau. Tregau’s only source of revenue was it’s extensive network of brothels, low-level gambling and smuggling. Located not far from China, now one of the few stable nations, it had managed to escape Chinese justice only by skillfully pandering to American and Western paranoia toward the emerging Asian giant. Now in this new global chaos, the island’s criminal elite had already begun to stow their ill-gotten gains in overseas banks and financial institutions; sooner or later, they knew that China would likely move to remove Tregau’s troublesome stain from the area – with it’s neighbors’ full approval.
But for bottom-scraping criminals like the Chang Sisters, fleeing was not an realistic consideration. Their sole option, they decided, was to make as much money as they could and flee to whatever safe haven when the Chinese came to clean things up. Ever clever, the Changs arranged to employ their Western contacts to spread rumors that Western women might find a welcoming refuge, free food and support in Tregau – with the Changs’ contact phones and addresses included, of course…
This page, at high resolution, is available for all my patrons on Hines official website!
March 1, 2017 at 9:35 am, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments
Judge Ibuto

Judge Ibuto was one of the high-ranking powers behind the ruthless junta that ruled the mid-sized Third World country referred to as the Northern African Republic, a previously-ignored backwater. While it may still be backwater, it could no longer be ignored: recent discoveries of rich veins of uranium and minerals now made it important both to the struggling West and most other nations anxious to get access to what the Northern African Republic had to offer. So whatever the NAR wanted to do or however it ran it’s internal affairs was it’s own business – and that also included how it chose to deal with the hordes of Western refugees who sought relief inside it’s borders.
The Judge was one of those who was taking pleasure in dealing with Western refugees. Especially the pretty young females. The sprawling dungeons beneath his huge, guarded home contained cells that held almost fifty of the better-looking white girls that he came across.
This page, at high resolution, is available for all my patrons on Hines official website!
July 30, 2016 at 2:19 am, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

Disappeared while touring East Africa Republic: Although they had been hearing the warnings concerning the possible dangers of traveling through certain areas of Eastern Africa, sisters Catherine and Julianna had decided that the extremely low travel and lodging rates offered to tourists visiting the small, emerging country called the East Africa Republic was a deal just too good to pass up. Sure, there were the many reports of religious warfare in the outer provinces and the occasional anti-governmental riots and demonstrations; but the regime there, backed by Western interests, seemed to have things under relative control. Besides, the online tourist information sites listed the E.A.R. as having hotels and resorts ranked among the best 4-star facilities in the world. Word was that there would be few problems if tourists limited their activities to areas around the larger towns and the cities. More at Mad BDSM Art.
But Julianna and Catherine, being more robust and adventurous than the usual tourists, just couldn’t resist the lure of exploring the real, genuine aspects of the country; they hired themselves a car with four-wheel drive and employed a trusty-looking and helpful African guide named Tajni. Tanji looked somewhat imposing with his face anointed tribal scars, but he spoke English very well and had the nicest smile. Surely, they would discover more interesting things outside the country’s metropolitan areas.
July 14, 2016 at 7:06 pm, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

It was time for Tara to earn a little extra money for the Guzman Brothel with her owned pussy. The Senora had arranged to invite a half-dozen of her more valued male customers over to meet and sample what Tara had to offer. Senora Guzman liked to put on small orgies in order to show off her newest slaves; a very effective marketing tool, indeed.
Among all the other new slaves, it was the American Tara who seemed to become the favorite that night As Senora Guzman looked on with stern approval, each of her stiff-dicked guest’s grunted his appreciation of Tara’s most-abnormal snug slave pussy. The young slave-whore sobbed and cried as her fit body shook from the hard thrusts from the several cocks so eager to try to do their best to be the one that made her unable to take any more. The blond American slave girl did her slavish best to use her legs and hips to grind back at them as they fucked her; her fevered bucking working to cause them explode their cum up from their balls. As Tara labored under each man who topped her one by one as she lay on the stained mattress alongside the other slave girls chosen for the occasion. For the first, Tara truly became a fucktoy….
June 11, 2016 at 6:04 pm, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

The men who worked the training schools’ locked and very secure cargo arrival departments tended to be underpaid and sometimes overworked; but that didn’t necessarily mean that they were unhappy, though… After all, one of the benefits of working that department was especially-selected newly arrived captive girls being readily accessible to each worker for his use. Nothing better for one of these working men to be able fuck and abuse a new slavegirl in any way he chose for a few days and nights before she was taken away to join the other arrivals for the regular training regimen. And after that, there would be yet another crying and begging slave selected to take her place.
At the moment, the Cargo Worker named Drago was holding his latest selection, Diane, tightly as he began further positioning her on one of the soiled mattresses that lined the walls of the Arrival Room. “Hmmm….”, Drago grunted as his erect dick rubbed against Diane’s naked, spanked backside. “I’m happy they choose you for me, bitch. I like fucking sweet-looking gals like you and you’re going to be spending a lot of time getting used to this big ol’ cock of mine. Of course, I might be hurting you a bit – but that’ll be mild compared what the trainers will be doing.”
May 31, 2016 at 6:26 pm, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

Mr. Mousud’s breathing was a bit more rapid now as he continued to paw and grope at a terrified Jeanne’s body parts. “Mmmmm, you’ve got some nice tits on you,” he muttered as his crude fingers pinched and tugged rudely on the slave’s breasts. Hard to believe that an ugly, overgrown thug like your late father could produce such a beautiful girl like you! But, again, you do have quite a good-looking mother. She was one hell of a good fuck too! About twenty of us spent an entire night slamming our cocks in her before they took her away!
“But I’m glad I bought you! Buying and selling slaves is a hard business and you’re just the type of blond Western girl to keep around as my personal fucktoy! Maybe if you show me how grateful you are my buying you, I might do you a favor and buy your mummy too! That way, one of you can watch me fuck the other one! Hmmm, that’s sounds like a good idea. Would you like that?” Mousud’s ample cock twitched inside his pants at the thought.
“You know, it’s too bad your father not alive. It would have been so nice to see his face if I made your mother suck my cock and get it all big and stiff so that I could fuck you in the ass!”
May 25, 2016 at 1:32 am, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

As her potential buyer looked on, Elizabeth, her young body in anguish from the long sessions under the paddle, squirmed a bit in the tight embrace of Madam Fifi. “I suggest you calm down and stop struggling, girl,” the tall, big-boned and buxom red-haired trainer told her sternly. Otherwise I’m going to take you back to your cell and we’ll resume where we left off! Would you like that?”
“N-No, Madam,” Elizabeth answered meekly. The very thought of Madam Fifi’s paddle doing it’s work was enough to make her still and compliant to the Madam’s grasp.
“Good girl. You know how happy it makes me when you’re good. Now say ‘hello’ to Miss Rhonda.”
“Hello, Miss Rhonda” Elizabeth answered obediently.
April 26, 2016 at 5:44 pm, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

Twenty year-old Irene had always been a nice, decent girl. The kind of girl who obeyed her parents every wish and volunteered to help those in need. Just the kind of innocent young thing that the Penance club was most interested in. Irene was fated to pay penance for having such a good stable life and also pay for being such an innocent in a world in which most of it’s inhabitants are selfish or evil or both.
Irene’s protests against her treatment served only to make things harder on her; the Penance women enjoyed hurting her and making her accept her place. But those experienced ladies knew that pain and suffering weren’t enough to overcome Irene’s learned and innate innocence; only when she was subjected to repeated and nonstop humiliation and realized the hopelessness of her situation would she be ready to begin her new life as a whore.
For the next phase of Irene’s training, Wilbur had been chosen to help prepare her. Wilbur. Short, dumpy, doughy and dim-witted Wilbur. Wilbur drooled and couldn’t carry on a decent conversation, but Wilbur had a fat, ten-inch cock and a set of low-hanging balls that seemed to churn up an almost endless supply of thick cum that made him a terrifying late-night visitor to any slavegirl’s cell. And even more of a horror to Irene when she was given to him to share his cell and serve as his steady girlfriend.
We advise you to treat Wilbur well, they told Irene. He gets frustrated easily and can get very unpleasant if he doesn’t get everything he wants from a girl. That’s why he was in that asylum for the criminally insane where we found him.
Irene could only tremble fearfully that night when Wilbur came back to his cell to meet his own personal girl. “Wilbur hurt you,” the slug-like man muttered, drooling. “Then Wilbur fuck you.”
“No! No, Wilbur! You don’t need to hurt me,” Irene pleaded. She desperately laid down on the stained mattress and spread her legs.
April 21, 2016 at 1:24 pm, Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

“Oh, please, Uncle Neil! Please let me go!” Natalie’s pleas came between disjointed breaths caused by Neil’s jolting fucking that rocked her body to and fro.
“Uhhhh, Uh, Ahhhhhh..,” distant Uncle Neil grunted as he nuzzled Natalie’s sweaty neck while continuing to plow her 19 year-old tight pussy with his sizeable cock. He was proud of the size, girth and hardness of his cock. Bigger than most younger guys and able to maintain it’s hardness a lot longer, too. Right now he was giving this semi-niece of his a thorough demonstration of just how vigorous a fucker an old man like him could be….
It had all began when Natalie had called her Uncle Neil to ask if she could stay at his place temporarily while she searched for a job and her own place in the city. She had only met Uncle Neil a couple of times when he had traveled downstate to attend family parties or gatherings at her house. She had noticed that a few family members – including her mother – seemed to be openly hostile toward Uncle Neil and there were a couple of whispers about some less-than-steller deeds committed some time in the past. But gossip and backbiting were common at those family gatherings and Natalie put it down as things that could be ignored. A wrong assumption.
Arriving at Uncle Neil’s place of residence, Natalie was initiallytaken aback at the derelict-looking building in which he had a basement apartment. But Natalie was more concerned with having a place to live than the looks of the place. Only when Uncle Neil opened his door did Natalie get her first feeling of uneasiness.
“Uncle Neil, what’s with the chains on the door and all the handcuffs and stuff?”
“Got them just for you, sweetie,” Uncle Neil laughed as he grabbed Natalie by her throat…
December 7, 2014 at 3:45 pm, Category: Hines | No Comments
Hot xxx drawn actions dedicated to bondage and BDSM – it is what turns you on and makes you feeling great? Then you should get congratulations because you are in the right place where you would find the stuff you really like so much. Take a look at these drawn bdsm art pics first of all with pretty poor girls who are getting tortured so hard and even cruelly in prisons. There are mistresses and masters who give punishment to them.
June 10, 2010 at 1:27 pm, Category: Hines | 1 Comment

Freshmen are so enthusiastic about their studies and social life they do not feel the danger hanging over them. The hero of this bdsm artwork is a big black stud who followed and caught a silly white freshmen and brought her to his place of have some dirty fun. Watch the poor bitch scared, crucified, with her legs wide spread, her lovely butts whipped and her pink pussy violently stretched with a huge throbbing black shlong!
April 5, 2010 at 1:02 pm, Category: Hines | No Comments

A couple of dirty bastards arranged their own kinky business. They kidnap the most beautiful girls and sell them to different freaks who dream of purchasing a sex slave. Here in the camp deep in the woods where no one can hear screams of pain and terror the sick bustards instruct the future slave whores how to serve their Masters well. If the slut is naughty she is cruelly punished by crucifixion, whipping, piercing her breast with sharp spikes and with throbbing dicks of the inventive businessmen. Enjoy the sickest bdsm artwork ever!
February 25, 2010 at 12:33 pm, Category: Hines | No Comments

Old dames are so wicked and cruel sometimes it is impossible to imagine it until you face it personally! Learn from this bdsm artwork about one young slut who became a sex slave of her own aunt. At first the company of old and ugly women tortured the poor slut, whipped and humiliated her forcing the babe grovel and lick their feet and knees. But it was not enough for the dirty-minded aunt. She chained her niece and started to rip her virgin ass with a huge ribbed strapon fisting her roughly into the pussy.