you'll see what pictures can't show...

Slavecop 3: The hive

January 20, 2021 at 4:14 pm | Category: Erenisch | No Comments

Slavecop 3: The hive


This issue breaks new ground even for Erenisch, because in addition to telling a story about sexy slavegirls being fucked and dominated, it also tells an exciting adventure at the same time, full of fight scenes and tension.

Prepare for a future full of amazing possibilities! Erenisch makes another incredibly steamy and sexy story! You don’t want to miss this unbearably erotic comic, brought to you here exclusively at Erenisch official website!


January 16, 2021 at 4:14 pm | Category: Cagri | No Comments



After all the humiliation that Russia endured at the hands of Firestorm, they’re not going to let Kelly off so easily.

Will Kelly survive her imprisonment at the hands of these sick, sadistic, russian scientists or will she meet the ultimate end? You can only find out by buying this comic exclusively at Cagri official website!

Group x part 3: Behind bars!

December 28, 2020 at 10:41 pm | Category: Celestin | No Comments

Group x part 3: Behind bars!


The police chief, Commander Kellerman, had put his faith in her, after all, and she was determined to see things through and bring those perverted sadists to justice.

You don’t want to miss this incredible issue, brought to you by Celestin and Naj here exclusively at Celestin official website!


Evil elves.

December 13, 2020 at 8:31 pm | Category: 3d, Hawke | No Comments

Evil elves.


Six gorgeous girls will find themselves enslaved on Christmas Eve and brought to the North Pole, where they’ll learn what happens to naughty girls in this enchanting, Christmas adventure!

You don’t want to miss this slamtastic tale, brought to you here exclusively at Hawke official website!


Bondage motel, Collector serie.

December 3, 2020 at 10:00 pm | Category: 3d, Arctoss | No Comments

Bondage motel, Collector serie.


Escape is impossible for this beauty; she’s trapped in the middle of the desert far from any cell towers, and the only people who will help her are her cruel and sadistic masters!

You don’t want to miss this amazing adventure, brought to you here exclusively at Arctoss official website!

BD Academy

November 24, 2020 at 3:21 pm | Category: Lesbi K Leih | No Comments

BD Academy.

Lesbi k Leih

Sara’s got a very special role to play as the prized “princess” for these pampered party girls to place for their pledges in a secret scavenger hunt!

Will Sara be saved in the end or will she find herself a slave to pi ti alpha sorority? Find out here exclusively at Lesbi k Leih official website!


November 8, 2020 at 4:36 pm | Category: Cagri | No Comments



On his luxurious compound, Ambassador Henderson and his lovely, redheaded wife Amelia and his daughter, beautiful, blonde babe Isla are sunbathing in paradise, confident in their walls and their guards.

You don’t want to miss this amazing extravaganza and the unbelievably conclusion in Cagri’s latest and greatest comic yet: “Retaliation” brought to you here exclusively at Cagri official website!


Halloween house party

October 22, 2020 at 6:43 pm | Category: 3d, Hawke | No Comments

Halloween house party.


Wearing little more than lingerie and a smile, Michelle is dragged along by her boyfriend, a man who is desperate to kiss up to his seniors, even if it means parading his fiancйe in tight, lace lingerie in front of strange men! Michelle begrudgingly participates in this twisted, bondage adventure, but little does she know what she’s getting on for.

You don’t want to miss this incredible, halloween adventure, brought to you here exclusively at Hawke official website!


The woods have eyes part 2

October 13, 2020 at 2:18 pm | Category: Roberts | No Comments

The woods have eyes part 2.


Professor Fauna Woodley is as hippie as they come: a bleach blonde beauty interested only in cryptozoology and rug munching packs up her hot, slutty girlfriends in a bright, pink jeep and head into the woods in search of the legendary Bigfoot after one survivor of a band of beauties barely bounces back from a blood-curdlingly bad backpacking bust.

You don’t want to miss this incredible comic, brought to you here exclusively at Roberts official website!

Double crossed part 1

October 1, 2020 at 6:56 pm | Category: Lesbi K Leih | No Comments

Double crossed part 1.

Lesbi k leih

Cassie is a good girl who has always played by the book. Through her Ivy league degree, hard work and dedication she has achieved a wonderful lifestyle of wealth and luxury but something is missing.

You don’t want to miss this creamy chapter, brought to you here exclusively at Lesbi k Leih official website!


Welcome to mudwater high, part 3

September 27, 2020 at 1:56 pm | Category: Slasher | No Comments

Welcome to mudwater high part 3.


Megyn Foxwood was transferred to the distant school of Mudwater High and found to her dismay that the labyrinthine school was no safe haven for pretty, young girls like her.

Don’t miss this incredible issue, brought to you here exclusively at Slasher official website! And don’t forget to catch the amazing first and second episodes, so you can get caught up on all the action!

Kayla’s summer break, part 3

September 12, 2020 at 12:25 pm | Category: 3d, Hawke | No Comments

Kayla’s summer break part 3.


After a tantalizing twilight with terrible taylor, cutie kayla is a well behaved and cock loving cunt!

You don’t want to miss this incredible, high wire act of obedience, sexual servitude, and psychological enslavement, brought to you by the incredible Hawke exclusively at Hawke official website!

Harem, 2020.

August 14, 2020 at 12:38 pm | Category: BDSM Comics, Cagri | No Comments

Harem, 2020.


Julia Rochon finds herself on Victor Popov’s bad side. She must prove herself to her master because her time is running out!

You don’t want to miss this incredible, indelible episode lovingly tailored by the talented Cagri and brought to you here exclusively at Cagri official website!


Objection overruled, part 2.

August 1, 2020 at 4:40 pm | Category: Kitty Hand | No Comments

Objection overruled, part 2.

Kitty Hand

Julia Rochon finds herself on Victor Popov’s bad side. She must prove herself to her master because her time is running out!

You can only find out by getting this incredible issue, brought to you here exclusively at Kitty Hand and Comischef official website!

Renegade slave trade, Collector series.

June 25, 2020 at 9:54 pm | Category: Arctoss | No Comments

Renegade slave trade, Collector series.


The worst has barely begun when Olivia is brought to the burly blokes’ slave dungeon where two sexy sluts are already well on their way to becoming nubile, submissive sex slaves! No matter how much Olivia curses, shouts, and screams, there’s no stopping this train ride. Olivia will be trained in the art of orgasm control, masturbating on command, and so much more before a buyer shows up. And what’s that?

You don’t want to miss this incredible start of a new adventure brought to you here exclusively at Arctoss official website!


Asylum X 2

June 20, 2020 at 3:48 pm | Category: Cagri | No Comments

Asylum X 2.


Don’t worry, babe. The facility has only the sickest and most twisted treatments for you bouncing, bratty bimbos. We’ll straighten you out, one way or another. Carl Meyer could use another brood mare to carry his sons, after all. You’re perfect for the position!

You don’t want to miss this fantastic, next chapter in the “Asylum X” series, brought to you here exclusively at Cagri official website!


Uprising in West Africa 2

June 10, 2020 at 4:24 pm | Category: Predondo | No Comments

Uprising in West Africa 2.


The fall of Katrin is long and hard as she’s made to service soldiers and slavegirls alike, fighting and clinging desperately to hope every step of the way.

You don’t want to miss this incredible tale of the fall of one more beautiful female, brought to you here exclusively at Predondo official website!

Hostile takeover

May 28, 2020 at 7:03 pm | Category: 3d, Hawke | No Comments

Hostile takeover.


Try as they might, these delicious, dewy darlings dare not disrespect their new devilish directors… or else they might suffer an even worse fate!

Don’t you dare disregard this daring and dastardly dive into this distinctly dirty drama, brought to you here exclusively at Hawke official website!

The levite and his concubine

May 23, 2020 at 8:37 pm | Category: Ferres | No Comments

The levite and his concubine.


Onan is on the hunt for a runaway slave. He’ll travel far and wide in the wilderness and encounter all kinds of danger and adventure!

Come on a journey to a new world, brought to you here exclusively at Ferres official website!


Cidade do diabo 3

May 1, 2020 at 3:35 pm | Category: Lesbi K Leih | No Comments

Cidade do diabo part 3.

Lesbi k leih

Will Clarissa impress ze? What will happen to the sultry slut Sarah? And what truly happens in the darkest depths of the brazilian favelas when no one but the demons and devils are watching?

You don’t want to miss this creamy, closing chapter, brought to you here exclusively at Lesbi k leih official website!

Classmates Claire’s tale 4

April 25, 2020 at 6:24 pm | Category: Kitty Hand | No Comments

Classmates Claire’s tale 4.

Kitty Hand

Kitty Hand brings you some horrifyingly hard stuff as both Claire and Yi are put through their paces by the delicious lady lash! You’ll see Claire as you’ve never seen her before, “innocent” maid for the last time, in this exciting and thrilling episode!

You don’t want to miss this incredible and erotic adventure, brought to you here exclusively at Kitty Hand official website!

Bad lieutenant 8: Trafficked

April 19, 2020 at 7:52 pm | Category: Arieta | No Comments

Bad lieutenant 8: Trafficked.


This series challenges audience expectations, delivering interesting scenes that revolve around a plot full of exciting twists, while still delivering steaming-hot sex and bdsm torture on every page. Don’t miss this issue!

Read part 8 of the fun and sexy adventures! The bad lieutenant saga is a rich world of character and story. Brought to life by author Robinja and artist Arieta. Brought to you only by the dedicated team at Arieta official website!

Vietnam story

April 5, 2020 at 6:56 pm | Category: Slasher | No Comments

Vietnam story.


Slasher brings you this new and exciting tale of east meets west as nurse Carrie is put through her paces by these vile and vicious villains from the far east! Charlie has no mercy for these yankee devils and definitely not for a mouthy blonde bitch who doesn’t know to keep her loud trap shut!

Things will get real bad for Carrie by the end! You don’t want to miss this incredible and exotic adventure brought to you here exclusively at Slasher official website!

The house of tears 2

March 25, 2020 at 1:16 pm | Category: Uncategorized | No Comments

The house of tears 2.

Ted Owen

Emma’s father was found protesting the government in this totalitarian dictatorship. The family had a choice: either they could all be sent to the labor camps to work and starve to their deaths, or Emma could volunteer herself in order to save her family. In the end, it wasn’t a hard choice to make. Emma didn’t want her mother or father or sisters to suffer, so she would do her duty and pay for her father’s misdeeds.

This disgusting doll will shock her family when they see what she’s been turned into… and you’ll be shocked too… if you dare to peek into this titillating thriller, brought to you here only at Ted Owen official website!

The great heist

March 15, 2020 at 5:26 pm | Category: Cagri | No Comments

The great heist.


Cagri brings you another arousing adventure with this astonishing achievement in artistic adult action! Hank and Roy will have their piece of this sexy, snobby slut and break her wide open in front of her clients, the police, and the internet itself!

You don’t want to miss this fabulous and frightening fable featuring fiery and frisky figures of female fright and frustration, brought to you here exclusively at Cagri official website!

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