Collector 2 – Exhibition.
Jim Henderson is a man with needs. Even with two hot babes in his household basement, he knows it’s not safe here in the suburbs. He reaches out to his wealthy cousin, Alfred, the president of a booming gun manufactory.

you'll see what pictures can't show...
Collector 2 – Exhibition
Kirsten was one of the best cops in the New York City Police Department, and she’d been given a very important task. A rich and powerful Canadian businessman’s daughter, beautiful Emma Burton, had gone missing, and it was Kirsten’s task to find her.
Don’t let this dark debut pass you by as Aquila makes an amazing splash, brought to you here exclusively at Aquila official website!
It was twenty minutes of pure agony
It was twenty minutes of pure agony. Twenty minutes? To Shiva it seemed twenty hours. Each lash was followed by a scream of pain, each scream followed by Shiva’s writhing and sobbing as she waited in terror for the next bite of the whip, not knowing whether to pray for time to recover or for Tarib to lash her NOW and end the interminable wait.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
Classmates Claire’s tale part 3
Classmates Claire’s tale part 3.
Claire’s world comes crashing down when jealous forces outside of her control seek to find out where pretty, perfect Claire is getting all her cold, hard cash. Kate is going to figure things out the only way she knows how: by whoring herself out to get what she wants! Once she gets the dirt, she makes sure that Claire’s safe, little world is no longer safe.
You don’t want to miss this incredible issue, brought to you here exclusively at Kitty Hand official website!
I think we are going to share in the booty right now
Safe passage
“This is not the King’s land,” Leandro turned to Caleb, “so my men are not in control of what happens here. I ask only that you leave that one” he pointed toward Saveda’s stretched body “right where she is. The other one” he nodded toward Carmen “you can do with what you want. But if you take off the leather strap around her chest, I am quite certain she will bleed to death. We will be back tomorrow with the rest of the King’s army to attack the Duke. You should be prepared to join us then if you wish to share in the booty.”
“Oh, my friend,” Caleb smiled as Leandro turned to lead his men back to the King’s castle, “I think we are going to share in the booty right now.”
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
Group X 2 – Framed
Group X 2 – Framed!
For on the other side of the world, Mistress X’s plan is just getting started. She “breaks in” little Emily, freshly minted and freshly shipped from her posh, accounting career into a lifetime of sexual servitude and slavery!
You don’t want to miss this amazing extravaganza from the minds of Celestin and Naj brought to you here exclusively at Celestin official website!
Tied, gagged and hooded
Safe passage
It took Leandro and his men three hours to reach the border between the rivals’ territories, marked by a shallow stream. Carmen and Saveda both had begun to stir an hour into the trip, but, tied, gagged and hooded, the soldiers ignored them except for an occasional glance at their naked bodies. Carmen’s breasts, they all knew, were damaged beyond repair, but Saveda’s branded breasts, though unsightly, would not have stopped any of them from enjoying her pleasures if Leandro allowed it. For that matter, with the leather strap still covering her deformed breasts, they all would also have enjoyed Carmen’s remaining charms if given the opportunity.
The men startled for a second, and prepared for battle, when they saw a small band of ruffians in the distance ride toward them. After a few seconds, though, Leandro recognized them as men loyal to the King who could not yet know of his demise.
“Caleb, you are awfully close to the border,” Leandro chided the ruffians’ leader with a smile.
“We have no choice, friend, but to carry our raids across the border, since no one from the Duke’s castle ever enters the King’s territory anymore.” He noticed the two carts and rode closer to examine their contents. “Except two women passed by this morning. But we could see that several King’s guards were protecting them from a distance. In fact, an advance scout told us they were traveling to see the King and we were not to approach them for any reason. Are these the two?”
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
The henchman walked silently past the helpless girl…
“Tschkr, Tabil!”
The henchman walked silently past the helpless girl to the cart and reached for the terminals.
The wait was over. Shiva closed her eyes and clenched her teeth until they gnashed, preparing herself for the first taste of her tort2ure.
“Look at me!” The order sounded in clear, almost accent-free English, but Shiva did not think to show him the fear in her eyes, instead purposefully turned her head away from him.
For just a split second, she had felt the coldness of the metal on her skin at her sides right and left of the navel, then the burning pain of the discharge erased all other sensations.
“Look at me!” Her guts were still twitching under the aftermath of the shock when she felt the threat of the cold metal at the base of her spine.
“Fuck you!” she spat at him before the electric current convulsed her body against the leather thongs that bound her.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
Saveda’s screams continued even after Leandro had withdrawn the iron…
Safe passage
“NNNNNoooooooo!!!” Saveda’s shoulders shook as she screamed at Fernando. She meant only to express disbelief at her situation, but Fernando took it as her response to his question.
“A foolish choice, Duchess.” Fernando moved to the side. Humberto stepped forward and jammed the iron up into the underside of Saveda’s right breast. “GGGGaaaaaaa,” Saveda threw her head back and screamed as she felt the burning heat from the iron against her soft flesh. Again, Leandro held the iron in place for a full five seconds before moving backward.
Saveda’s screams continued even after Leandro had withdrawn the iron, joined quickly by a sudden stream of urine that poured out from between her legs and sprayed across the floor as she lost control of her bladder.
“You didn’t think that we would treat you less harshly than your servant, did you? In fact, you bear far more guilt for your spy plans than she does, so your pain should be greater than hers.”
Saveda straightened her head in time to see Humberto jam the hot iron directly into her left breast just below her nipple. This time the pain was too great, and her head slumped to her burned chest just as Humberto withdrew the iron.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
Tormentor Inc.
Tormentor Inc.
Does she have a hope of survival? Can this crying, creaming cutie soften a jaded man’s heart? Or will she be thrown out with the rest of the trash?!
You don’t want to miss this incredible issue, the latest from the legendary Slasher, brought to you here exclusively at Slasher official website!
At the sound of her groan he looked up and ran his eyes up
At the sound of her groan he looked up and ran his eyes up and down the helpless nudity of her suspended body. He grinned at her in anticipation of the joy he would take in using that body for his sadistic pleasure, then returned to his work, whistling softly. He pulled a leather strap through two loops at the ends of a cable that hung from the bar above her, then loosened the fetter that bound her right ankle. She was ready now. He grabbed her roughly by the waist and pulled her to the right until her hip touched the torture seat. Despite the sweltering heat in the torture chamber, she shivered at his touch as her gaze dropped to the dark metallic, teeth that awaited her. Instinctively she crossed her legs, but weakened by her ordeal she could not resist as he pulled her right leg over to the other side of the seat and fastened her ankle there with a leather strap.
Now the saw teeth were between her thighs, a few centimeters below her open pussy and Shiva could feel their threat as an icy coldness pouring from the metal tips.
“What …. what do you want from me?” She blurted out feverishly in a desperate attempt to gain some time.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
Just her weight on the iron spikes was agony
As soon as Tarib left the tortu2re chamber, Shiva’s resistance began to crumble. She stared at the timer as it ticked with madding inevitability toward the next agonizing shock. She couldn�t take her eyes off the steady march of the black hand. As it neared the fifteen minute mark she stiffened her resolve and prepared her body so as not to let the clock beat her.
But when the electricity hit there was no fighting it. She simply gave in to the pain and screamed. She couldn’t control her body which jerked and shook violently on the horse, each tremor savaging her pussy with the iron teeth.
The periods between the shocks were almost worse than the tortu2re itself. She couldn’t tear her eyes from the clock and the terrible black hand that jumped from minute to minute. She started seeing faces human faces in the clock face: taunting her, laughing at her, counting the minutes along with the hand. Tarib’s, Sayiid’s, even her own.
As the fifteen minutes became three, then two, then one, she started to fight her bonds. It hurt. Just her weight on the iron spikes was agony; when she started to struggle the pain became excruciating. She tried to remain still but the black hand told her she had to escape.
She started screaming even before the current raged through her body, scorching her pussy with a stream of electrons from her nipple and toe. When the electricity stopped her thighs continued to spasm and her vagina convulse. The pain was unrelenting and there was nothing she could do to stop it. All she could do was slump helplessly in the pitiless bondage and wait for the next surge of agonizing current.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
So all she could do was continue to scream until her throat grew hoarse
Safe passage
Carmen’s screams filled the courtyard as Dominick tightened the leather strap another inch. She could feel the metal push into each breast in three places one straight into it and two at angles. She again closed her eyes, this time not with any hope that she would open them to find it had been a horrible nightmare she quite knew that it was real — but to stop herself from looking at the blood now oozing more rapidly from her breasts and dripping on the ground.
“With the next inch,” Dominick again leaned over from behind her, “the spikes will nearly meet in the middle. That is not going to be a pretty site. So I think you should tell the Captain why you really came to the castle?”
Carmen’s instincts were to try to pull her breasts free of the leather strap, but she knew that would destroy them even more, so she forced herself to remain as still as she could. This was not as still as she wanted as the pain forced her to squirm no matter how much she fought against it. So all she could do was continue to scream until her throat grew hoarse and her lungs exhausted.
Dominick noticed that the back door of the building where he knew the dungeon was had opened, and he walked over to it. Fernando could see his outline in the doorway, but Saveda was facing away from the door and could not.
“Has yours talked yet?” Fernando shouted toward the figure whom he knew was Dominick.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
They were screams not only of pain but also of horror
She was panting more than breathing, talking was not on the program. If she heard the whip cutting through the air it never registered on her brain. What did was a sharp crack along with the sensation that a hot wire had been laid across her back. She didn’t scream, her mouth opened in shock. It was as though the lash had paralyzed her lungs. But her body seemed to have a mind of its own. Her back arched and she bucked and heaved out of control. She rose on the toes of her left foot and her right leg kicked up at her buttock. The second lash crossed over the first and the tip dug into her armpit. This time she screamed. The whip bit into her flesh again and again. And each time she screamed. They were screams not only of pain but also of horror. She was being whipped. WHIPPED! She had been tortu2red with electricity on the most sensitive parts of her naked body. They had hung her by her ankles and lowered her into a tank of water until her lungs almost burst. They had brutalized her vagina in the most savage ways possible. The pain had been unbearable, had come within an inch of breaking her, but she had held on. She was a spy, knew tortu2re was a risk that came with the job.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
The two men holding the spike-studded leather strip approached the shaking Carmen
Safe passage
The two men holding the spike-studded leather strip approached the shaking Carmen, wrapping it around her body loosely, so that its spikes did not yet press into her chest. They cinched it behind her with straps on the top and bottom of both ends, so that the straps could easily be tightened to any degree desired.
“Your time to tell us the truth about your mission,” Leandro warned Carmen, “and still have the beautiful breasts you and I am sure many others — have come to love is drawing short.”
Carmen shook her head violently back and forth, over and over, and closed her eyes, trying to wake herself from this nightmare. But when she again opened her eyes, nothing had changed. The nightmare was real. Leandro still stood in front of her, and Dominick and one of Leandro’s men behind, prepared to tighten the leather to whatever degree Leandro ordered.
Leandro waited a minute to allow Carmen’s terror to build. “Yes or no?”
“I’ve told you the truth!!” Carmen screamed at him.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
The worst of it was coming from her vagina…
Shiva did not come to immediately, but rather floated in and out of consciousness. Her first realization was not that she was hanging upside down but rather that she was in pain. The worst of it was coming from her vagina, which felt as though she had been raped with an electrified spiked dildo. Then before she passed out again she remembered the agony of the iron teeth on the horse.
Her next waking realization was that she had been moved, she was no longer on the horse. She was hanging head down by her bound ankles. Her wrists were strapped together at the small of her back. She was still naked. She was blindfolded. That was the bad news; they were not done tortu2ring her. The only good news was that they had crossed her ankles before tying them together, meaning they were probably not going to tortu2re her pussy. At least for a while.
She heard the iron door open and the shambling steps of Sayiid, felt his cane prod her, then pivot her defenseless body 180. He moved the tip to her head, and paused. Shiva didn’t move, saw no advantage to letting them know she was conscious.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
The date with fate
The date with fate.
Erenisch makes another incredibly steamy and sexy story set in the twisted sexual world of the erenischverse! Lovely, pretty, and na’ve virgin Audrey is quickly brought down to reality where her education and opinions don’t matter.
You don’t want to miss this unbearably bondage comic, brought to you here exclusively at Erenisch official website!
His hands well within reach of her naked breasts
Safe passage
“And you couldn’t have just told me that right away? I could already be on my way back to my brother, since obviously this is nothing more than a charade.” Saveda berated the newly-promoted General Fernando.
“Well, I had to protect myself from you just as I would have protected the King,” Fernando responded coolly. “So are you interested in a discussion or not? If you are, what terms do you propose?” He took several steps toward her, his hands well within reach of her naked breasts.
“Both sides lay down their arms and stop their military buildup.” Saveda had rehearsed on the ride to the castle what she would propose. “Each side will select three persons to meet with three chosen by the other side to negotiate fair boundaries for the disputed territories. And then the two sides will sign a pact that each will assist the other should it be attacked by any outside force.” But Saveda knew that, while the King might have listened objectively to her proposal, and realized its merit, there was no chance that Fernando would. Hadn’t he made clear that the King was murdered because the military felt he was too liberal in his desire for peace with the Duke? And hadn’t he also told her that his terms would be stricter than the King’s?
Fernando’s reply to Saveda was as well rehearsed as hers had been. “Those terms might be reasonable to your side, or to any side that did not have such military superiority over the other, as we do over yours. Your brother must recognize that in any peace negotiations.”
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
Kayla’s summer break 2
Kayla’s summer break 2.
Pretty college girl Kayla Parker finds herself in hot water and even hotter outfits as the boys use her credit card to dress her up as sluttily and sexily as possible!
She’ll have to decide whether to submit to their teenage desires or to try and escape and make things worse! You don’t want to miss this incredibly erotic comic, brought to you here exclusively at Hawke official website!
She simply gave in to the pain and screamed
As soon as Tarib left the tortu2re chamber, Shiva’s resistance began to crumble. She stared at the timer as it ticked with madding inevitability toward the next agonizing shock. She couldn�t take her eyes off the steady march of the black hand. As it neared the fifteen minute mark she stiffened her resolve and prepared her body so as not to let the clock beat her.
But when the electricity hit there was no fighting it. She simply gave in to the pain and screamed. She couldn’t control her body which jerked and shook violently on the horse, each tremor savaging her pussy with the iron teeth.
The periods between the shocks were almost worse than the tortu2re itself. She couldn’t tear her eyes from the clock and the terrible black hand that jumped from minute to minute. She started seeing faces human faces in the clock face: taunting her, laughing at her, counting the minutes along with the hand. Tarib’s, Sayiid’s, even her own.
As the fifteen minutes became three, then two, then one, she started to fight her bonds. It hurt. Just her weight on the iron spikes was agony; when she started to struggle the pain became excruciating. She tried to remain still but the black hand told her she had to escape.
She started screaming even before the current raged through her body, scorching her pussy with a stream of electrons from her nipple and toe. When the electricity stopped her thighs continued to spasm and her vagina convulse. The pain was unrelenting and there was nothing she could do to stop it. All she could do was slump helplessly in the pitiless bondage and wait for the next surge of agonizing current.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
They bent her body face down
Safe passage
As the men stepped aside to await Leandro’s further instructions, Carmen tried vainly to cover her body with her hands while lying on the ground in a fetal position.
“You know, men, I think you have earned some relaxation.” An evil smile filled Leandro’s face. Knowing exactly what he meant, two of his soldiers grabbed Carmen’s hands and dragged her to a vertical hitching post about three feet off the ground. They bent her body face down, her stomach pressed into the post as the other soldiers pounded four stakes into the ground, two on each side of the post, and tied one end of their ropes to the stakes and the other ends to her wrists and ankles, stretching her enough to allow her no movement.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
And sent her stretched body into a paroxysm of pain
“My name is Hassan Sayiid,” her interrogator repeated once again.
“Shiva … Shiva Shamir …” It was little more than a rough croak but it was the best she could manage. She could not understand her own voice but apparently it was enough for the filthy bastard, because his lips now parted in a wider smile.
“Very nice, Shiva … to hold a cultured conversation between two civilized people you should have already introduced yourself!”
“Suspended naked and tortu2red with electric shocks is NOT a cultured conversation for civilized people!”
BRRRZZZLLL … The possibility that these arrogant words would provoke more tortu2re only occurred to Shiva when the electricity tore into the nerve endings of her vagina and sent her stretched body into a paroxysm of pain. She screamed.
“And this young man, with whom you will spend a lot of time today, is called Tarib. Just how much time is entirely up to you.”
He gestured to the tortu2rer, who was standing in front of her, the two cleats held terrifyingly close to her nipple. The most frightening thing for Shiva was that he did not look at her beautiful breasts with the desire to lick and suck her nipples, but instead with the same interest and intensity of a heroin addict eying an overdue fix. It angered her to the point she collected all the remaining saliva in her mouth and spitting it right between the stupidly narrowed eyes.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
Gentlemen’s club 4
Gentlemen’s club 4.
Beatrice is forced to do the most terrible and awful things a pretty female can, all to make her fat bastard master happy! Her body will be pierced, and she’ll be fucked nonstop until she’s raw and dripping with cum!
The story is hot and the artwork is hotter! Grab this comic before it’s taken down, only here exclusively at Predondo official website!
She was marched down a long corridor and through another heavy door
Safe passage
After what seemed to her an eternity being led across the entire length of the courtyard in front of the jeering crowd, with the weight of the wooden pole across her neck, Saveda finally heard a heavy door open and felt her foot touch a stone floor. She was marched down a long corridor and through another heavy door. After she was pulled several yards into the room, her wrists were released from the pole, only to be secured to cuffs hanging from the ceiling. The chains around her ankles were replaced by cuffs shoulder-width apart secured to hooks in the floor.
Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!
Middle fingers deeply into her vagina
Safe passage
Fernando and Humberto approached Saveda. Humberto moved his hand down between her legs and thrust his ring and middle fingers deeply into her vagina. She was grateful that her fear had moistened her enough that the violation was not painful, only humiliating. Humberto moved his fingers from side to side, staring at her face to see her reaction. Saveda tried to remain stoic.
“Anything?” Fernando asked.
“Oh, I’m sure that she has used this before as a weapon. But there is nothing else.”
Humberto removed his fingers and quickly grabbed Saveda’s neck to force her to bend her body at the waist until its upper half was parallel to the floor. Fernando’s fingers pushed hard into her anus, and she bit her lip to stop herself from screaming in pain.
When Fernando finally withdrew his fingers, Humberto straightened her body. “Open your mouth,” Fernando ordered, “and don’t even think about biting my fingers.” Slowly Saveda obeyed, and Fernando stuck the same fingers that had just probed her anus into her mouth, moving them from side to side in her cheeks, around the back of her teeth and under her tongue before withdrawing them. Saveda did all she could do to keep from gagging.