Chinese torments

Master Lo was an expert in his art. In Wandeng province, there was no more skilled torturer than him. He was proud of the fact that he had tortured over 1,000 people and none had ever died under his care. Many people did not understand, but the purpose of torture is to make a victim suffer – either for punishment, or to convince them to talk.
He did not really care which they were sent to him for. It was all the same to him. The most recent girl sent to him was Wei-Ling, apparently she was to be made to suffer for two days. He didn’t know why, although he overheard his assistants talking about a refused marriage proposal. In Wandeng province, it was considered shameful to be refused an offer of marriage. For all he knew, it could be the girl’s own family who sent her here.
Lo knew that the largest part of torture is fear. Although Lo was proud of the fact he had never killed anyone, he never wanted his subjects to know that. The entire time they were with him, they should feel as if their life was in his hands. To help with the sense of fear, Lo liked to work on several subjects at the same time. When a new victim appeared, the first thing he did was explain – in great detail – what was happening to the others.
“See Mei over here, behind you?” he said to the girl, as she was being strapped to an X-shaped cross. “We got twenty seven hot needles into her, before she passed out. I thought she deserved a bit of a break, so I’ll let her hang there for a bit. If she doesn’t wake up in a couple of hours, we’ll find a way to revive her. Perhaps the two of you would like to play together?”
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