Black Star – Helmek’s Triumph

May 27, 2016 at 3:34 pm, Category: BDSM Art, Mr. Kane | No Comments

Black Star - Helmek's Triumph

Two days later, Captain Helmek Varkonem was crowned Emperor and took the dead Emperor’s wife Shaliba as his own wife. The lizards and worms on Madame Flera’s cunt had proved effective and she had confessed to murdering the Emperor. Inspector Mosko was pleased. He had been able to fuck her mouth while the long creatures bit her vagina, inside and out…
The enforced confession did not stop the interrogation sessions in the dungeons. Many equally innocent people were tortured and executed. Inspector Mosko personally supervised the interrogation of all Xagian women.
Some of the Counselors who had been close to the Emperor were executed, allegedly while trying to escape. Their wives and daughters were arrested and taken to a detention centre prior to being deported to the Ringstone. The most beautiful women were enslaved and kept for the Imperial Palace.
The dead Emperor’s heirs were accused of treason and were deported to Inderia, far beyond the Ringstone. Their craft exploded near Ring Seven, the final frontier. It was supposed they had been attacked by Dionian rebels who still controlled areas of the galaxy.
When Captain Helmek Varkonem held up the star-shaped black onyx that symbolized Imperial power, there was a buzz of protest from the assembly that soon became louder. People started shouting. Some nobles openly accused him of having no right to the scepter.
The Imperial Guard moved menacingly towards them, but Varkonem ordered them to stop. He took off all his clothes and showed them the birth mark that began on his penis. A gasp came up. It was the same mark as the one that Emperor Ancliones had shown them so often with pride. But on the Captain it flowed like a moving tattoo, snaking its way over his body…

Enemies of Rome – More training needed

April 27, 2016 at 10:44 am, Category: BDSM Art, Mr. Kane | No Comments

Enemies of Rome - More training needed

After the fucking came the fighting with wooden training swords. The German warrior was a match for any of the men, but the other women, mostly ex-whores, were better at fucking and pretending to have orgasms.
In combat the women took slaps on their naked breasts or buttocks over and over again. But they did sometimes slap a man on the cock or balls. The gladiators were not used to training naked and they sometimes forgot to protect themselves.
If a woman fought especially badly she was punished in front of all the others. She had to sit on the ground with her legs wide apart and then put her arms back and lift her bottom off the ground like a crab. In this position her cunt lips were open and her breasts were naked and defenseless…
Drusila chose two gladiators to work on the woman. One slapped her on the cunt with his wooden sword while the other slapped her naked breasts. If her bottom touched the ground she was taken to a table where she sat on a gladiator’s cock, facing him, and rode him. Then they pulled her head down and the second man fucked her ass.

Black Star – The Night of the Usurper

April 23, 2016 at 3:26 am, Category: BDSM Art, BDSM Comics, Mr. Kane | No Comments

Black Star - The Night of the Usurper

As time passed, they grew less careful about their meetings, which sometimes took place in the intimacy of the Empress’s chambers. One night when the Imperial Megacraft was flying over the Ganimia quadrant, the old Emperor had a rare attack of lust and shuffled into his wife’s bedchamber. His hard-on was flopping absurdly like a blind worm gasping for air. He found his wife and the young Captain groaning and grunting together…
“Bastards! Bastards, both of you!” he shouted. “Treacherous bastards! A whore and a mercenary, you make a fine pair of traitors! We’ll see how you fuck with your cock cut off! And we’ll see how you fuck with your cunt sewn up and your tits removed!”
Helmek Varkonem picked up his gun and pointed it at the Emperor’s head. For a moment his finger hesitated on the trigger. He was pointing his gun at the Master of the Galaxy, the destroyer of the planets Xaga and Dion, the builder of Ringstone…
Chance or destiny had put the most powerful man in the galaxy in his hands… It was now or never…

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