you'll see what pictures can't show...

Urban brothel sexslaves

July 14, 2016 at 7:06 pm | Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

Urban brothel sexslaves

It was time for Tara to earn a little extra money for the Guzman Brothel with her owned pussy. The Senora had arranged to invite a half-dozen of her more valued male customers over to meet and sample what Tara had to offer. Senora Guzman liked to put on small orgies in order to show off her newest slaves; a very effective marketing tool, indeed.
Among all the other new slaves, it was the American Tara who seemed to become the favorite that night As Senora Guzman looked on with stern approval, each of her stiff-dicked guest’s grunted his appreciation of Tara’s most-abnormal snug slave pussy. The young slave-whore sobbed and cried as her fit body shook from the hard thrusts from the several cocks so eager to try to do their best to be the one that made her unable to take any more. The blond American slave girl did her slavish best to use her legs and hips to grind back at them as they fucked her; her fevered bucking working to cause them explode their cum up from their balls. As Tara labored under each man who topped her one by one as she lay on the stained mattress alongside the other slave girls chosen for the occasion. For the first, Tara truly became a fucktoy….


Fear is an important part of breaking a girl

July 5, 2016 at 8:36 pm | Category: Arcas, BDSM Art | No Comments

Fear is an important part of breaking a girl

Fear is an important part of breaking a girl. You have to get her to think about you all the time, even when you’re not there. The anticipation is what really makes her mind crumble. Or hell, maybe I just like watching them shiver and cry.
I creaked the door slowly open. Instantly, she tried to twist her head around. She couldn’t see me of course. All she could see was my shadow, falling over her.
I just stood there for several moments. I enjoyed the way my dark shadow fell across her white skin. As if my shadow alone was claiming ownership over her body. I enjoyed the way she writhed back and forth in terror at the mere sight of my shadow. I guess I’ve always been a poet at heart.
Her body was stiff; ever inch of her naked flesh, attentive to me, trying to figure out what I was going to do to her today. As if there was anything she could do. Sometimes I just open the door and stand here, and then I close it and walk away. Just to fuck with her head. Not today though. Full story at 3D Interracial
I took a step inside and she burst out crying. I was instantly hard. I had so much power! Such total control over this hot little piece of ass! Was it really just last week that she was some cock-teasing little college freshman? I remember the smug look on her face as she walked past all the guys who drooled just to look at her. She used to think she such a big deal. Look at her now, afraid of my shadow.

Black Star – Steel eels

June 29, 2016 at 10:00 pm | Category: BDSM Art, Mr. Kane | No Comments

Black Star - Steel eels

The rules of the Emperor’s harem were based on pain and pleasure. They were implacable. Every so often the mature women were purged. This was done by a series of harem regeneration tests known as the “Maturalias”. The oldest women, all of them over 40 years old, were subjected to severe tests to establish if they were still worth a place in the harem. In these tests they had to show their worth as the Emperor’s concubine in tests of pain resistance, sexual skills and ability to withstand severe penetration.
Those who failed the tests were condemned to spending the rest of their days in much-feared confinement centers, or were made to participate in the Pain Festival. In this festival the Emperor’s concubines were submitted to the cruelest punishments purely to satisfy the whims of the Great Master of the Empire, as the Emperor now called himself. Those who were able to withstand all kinds of humiliating abuse were allowed to stay in the harem.
The Pain Festival is the high point of the Maturalias. Pain is administered in a special arena known as the Painkorror. It is full of the most blood-chilling instruments of torture. Most of the spectators are the cruel inhabitants of the Black Planet, who sit on the terraces drooling over the horrendous torture sessions. The Emperor Helmekios sits on his sacred throne, surrounded by female slaves who have passed the tests and who are allowed to serve him with their glistening naked bodies.

He seemed to transform into another person, it was scary

June 22, 2016 at 12:48 pm | Category: Arcas, BDSM Art | No Comments

He seemed to transform into another person, it was scary

My name is Jennifer Flores, and I live in my boyfriend’s closest. Or… he used to be my boyfriend. I guess it’s fair to think of us as “broken up” these days. I mean, not only does he keep my locked up in here, all day, every day; but I am pretty sure he’s seeing other women.
The weird thing is, I didn’t see it coming at all. We’d been together for over a year, and he was the best boyfriend I ever had. He took me to dinner, he bought me flowers, and he even asked me to move in with him.
The only time in our whole relationship that he ever really seemed to get mad at me was when I tried to go down into the basement. He always kept the basement locked up; he said it was his “private space” and I was never supposed to go down there. The one time I tried to sneak in, he screamed at me. He seemed to transform into another person, it was scary.
But that was just one time, and so I didn’t think about it much. I decided I just needed to “give him space” and leave the basement alone. After all, he was a great boyfriend. He was handsome, he drove a nice car, and the sex was by far the best sex I ever had.
Then one day, out of nowhere, he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me down into the basement. He didn’t even have drug me or trick me or anything, he just grabbed and pulled. I never saw it coming. More stories at Rude Comics

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls – She was never seen again

June 15, 2016 at 9:55 am | Category: Badia, BDSM Art | No Comments

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls - She was never seen again

“Okay, Michelle, you can do this.” Michelle said to herself as she walked into the lesbian bar. She wasn’t gay, but she wanted to join the most popular sorority at her university and this was her pledge. The other sisters would be at a booth watching, and it was Michelle’s job to seduce the oldest and ugliest woman she could find. It didn’t take long to find her.
Gretchen was huge and going on sixty, with huge sagging tits and a face that was drooped in a permanent scowl.
“Hi,” Michelle said, stepping up to the bar.
“Well hello there, little one.” Gretchen said, here dry wrinkled lips peeling back to reveal her yellowed, chipped teeth.
Michelle nearly threw up in her mouth at the sight, but kept the bile down.
“Look, I’ve…I’ve never done this before…” Michelle said.
“Oh, don’t worry dear, we all had to start somewhere. So you haven’t had your face wrapped in soaking wet slit yet?”
Michelle was taken aback by the woman’s vulgarity, and she’d almost stopped right there…if only she had.

Schooling for slaves – A happy crew in the training school’s cargo arrival room

June 11, 2016 at 6:04 pm | Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

Schooling for slaves - A happy crew in the training school's cargo arrival room

The men who worked the training schools’ locked and very secure cargo arrival departments tended to be underpaid and sometimes overworked; but that didn’t necessarily mean that they were unhappy, though… After all, one of the benefits of working that department was especially-selected newly arrived captive girls being readily accessible to each worker for his use. Nothing better for one of these working men to be able fuck and abuse a new slavegirl in any way he chose for a few days and nights before she was taken away to join the other arrivals for the regular training regimen. And after that, there would be yet another crying and begging slave selected to take her place.
At the moment, the Cargo Worker named Drago was holding his latest selection, Diane, tightly as he began further positioning her on one of the soiled mattresses that lined the walls of the Arrival Room. “Hmmm….”, Drago grunted as his erect dick rubbed against Diane’s naked, spanked backside. “I’m happy they choose you for me, bitch. I like fucking sweet-looking gals like you and you’re going to be spending a lot of time getting used to this big ol’ cock of mine. Of course, I might be hurting you a bit – but that’ll be mild compared what the trainers will be doing.”

I took a drag on my cigarette and blew smoke in her face

June 6, 2016 at 12:16 pm | Category: Arcas, BDSM Art | No Comments

I took a drag on my cigarette and blew smoke in her face

Monica looked up at me as I was counting the money. I took a drag on my cigarette and blew smoke in her face.
“I know, right?” I laughed. “Who would have thought you’d be worth so much money? Pasty little white girl like you. But that’s the Sheikh for you, he’s crazy about white cunt.”
I’d actually met Monica using online dating. Technology’s great. She had the same story as a dozen other girls I’d shipped off to the Sheikh. Grew up in a small town, Iowa or Nebraska or whatever. High School prom was over and now she was bored. The football player she’d dated in high school wasn’t good enough to be a football player in college and now, suddenly, her future prospects looked a lot less promising than they did when she was riding in a float during the old Homecoming parade.
Suddenly, I swoop in, on her Okcupid profile. Tall, rich, handsome stranger, who’d traveled to far off, exotic lands. These dumb sluts can’t wait to cheat on their boyfriends with me. I just flirt with them over messages a few times, make a quick phone call, so they can listen to my “deep, sexy voice,” then we meet up for our first “date.”
Then –Bam!!!! I’ve got ‘em drugged and in the trunk of my car before they know what hit them. By the time a girl wakes up, she’s naked, caged, gagged and on her way to the Sheikh’s palace.
My favorite part is the look they always give me. So hurt, so resentful. “I thought you were going to rescue me from my boring life,” they seem to say. “I thought you were going to sweep me off my feet and take me to a world of adventure and magic.”


Enemies of Rome – The blonde warrior

June 2, 2016 at 7:58 am | Category: BDSM Art, Mr. Kane | No Comments

Enemies of Rome - The blonde warrior

Drusila had never kept a brothel, but there were always whores following the gladiators from town to town, and over the years she had come to an agreement with some of them. She acted as an unofficial manager, arranging meetings with local officials or merchants in exchange for a cut in the profits. Now her idea was to prepare something special for the primus of the games, using men and women.
Recently a new consignment of slaves had arrived from the North Way. They were blonde, blue-eyed barbarians who fought very well. Their swords were always sharp because the many small tribes in that area were always fighting each other.
Drusila’s first thought was to hire female gladiators, who were proving popular with the crowds at that time. But she decided to do something a little different. She wanted a woman who was strong and skilful with weapons, but was also beautiful and sensual. At the end of the contest the blonde warrior would be fucked by all the gladiators. Her enforced orgasms would be impressive and powerful, Drusila thought. Where was the fun in watching a meek, submissive slave have an orgasm?
Drusila had learnt that a beautiful woman was in prison waiting to be crucified for murdering her Master. She went to the prison to take a look at her.

Jeanne, 21 – daughter of slain mobster (rejected)

May 31, 2016 at 6:26 pm | Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

Jeanne, 21 - daughter of slain mobster (rejected)

Mr. Mousud’s breathing was a bit more rapid now as he continued to paw and grope at a terrified Jeanne’s body parts. “Mmmmm, you’ve got some nice tits on you,” he muttered as his crude fingers pinched and tugged rudely on the slave’s breasts. Hard to believe that an ugly, overgrown thug like your late father could produce such a beautiful girl like you! But, again, you do have quite a good-looking mother. She was one hell of a good fuck too! About twenty of us spent an entire night slamming our cocks in her before they took her away!
“But I’m glad I bought you! Buying and selling slaves is a hard business and you’re just the type of blond Western girl to keep around as my personal fucktoy! Maybe if you show me how grateful you are my buying you, I might do you a favor and buy your mummy too! That way, one of you can watch me fuck the other one! Hmmm, that’s sounds like a good idea. Would you like that?” Mousud’s ample cock twitched inside his pants at the thought.
“You know, it’s too bad your father not alive. It would have been so nice to see his face if I made your mother suck my cock and get it all big and stiff so that I could fuck you in the ass!”

Black Star

May 30, 2016 at 6:42 am | Category: BDSM Art, Mr. Kane | No Comments

Black Star - Tortured

And so it was that Alizia, Queen Mother of the recently conquered planet of Rigula, offered her own body and that of her daughter to satisfy the lust of a space pirate.
The young mercenary Captain Varkonem, military leader of the Black Empire, fucked the Queen Mother and got a blowjob from her daughter, Queen Shaliba. As soon as he recovered he ordered the young Queen to her knees and made her suck him until he had another orgasm.
The young Queen was still a virgin in her cunt and he sent her to the Emperor as a gift. The aged Emperor took one look at her large floating breasts and welcomed her into his harem. In time she became his favorite and finally he named her Empress of the Black Star.
Life as Empress was not all good, however. Her husband was old and she was physically frustrated. She returned secretly to visit Captain Varkonem and they began a relationship. One day the Emperor caught them fucking. Varkonem killed him and proclaimed himself Emperor.
The Queen Mother Alizia suffered a different fate. She had been a military enemy and the decision was taken by a secret military council to punish her and humiliate her.

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls – His cock felt so good inside her

May 29, 2016 at 9:00 pm | Category: Badia, BDSM Art | No Comments

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls - His cock felt so good inside her

Jennifer didn’t know that Mark was married, if only she’d known. He was so rich and handsome, he bought her all kinds of gifts, and his cock felt so good inside her. Then Mark’s wife found them together…
“So my husband says you wouldn’t let him fuck you up your ass. What, are you too good to let him fuck that pretty little ass?” That’s what she had asked as she was shoving the splintery wooden dildo up Jennifer’s ass, forcing her delicate sphincter to stretch further and further over the brutal wooden tip.
“I know what you’re thinking.” She said. “You thought Mark loved you, that he would protect you forever. Well unfortunately for you the only thing Mark has got going for him is a huge cock, which is the only reason I keep his stupid ass around. I make the money in the family, he just mooches off me like a fucking parasite. Of course I also get the added pleasure of torturing his girlfriends every time he fucks up, so you know it’s really not such a bad marriage. And like I said, that cock. It really is amazing isn’t it? I bet it got you all hot, huh? Well now I’m going to get you even hotter.”

Please let me be a slave girl instead

May 28, 2016 at 4:10 am | Category: Arcas, BDSM Art | No Comments

Please let me be a slave girl instead

“Notice the electrodes attached to the pins,” added Rubio. “That’s a dead giveaway that this slut isn’t being trained for anything long term, can’t even use a contraption like this unless she’s immobile. She’s just here because it’s fun to watch her scream. She’ll be here until she dies.” Rubi hit a switch and electricity surged into the pins in her nipples. Sue Lin did indeed scream in agony. The group laughed at her for a few moments.
“Yes, questions?” said Rubio.
“Is there anything she can do to save her life?” asked someone in the group.
“Well…” said Rubio, reluctantly. Sue Lin’s ears pricked up at this. “Sometimes if a girl gives us very valuable information, she can be bumped over from the “torture-to-death” program to the “slave girl training program” but that’s very rare, I seriously doubt this bitch has any information worth knowing. Her main use is just for amusement. Let’s move the tour on.”
Sue Lin choked, barely able to pull air into her throat with the tight ropes constricting her windpipe.
“Wait!” she croaked. “I have information! I know all kinds of secret things my father did! Please let me be a slave girl instead, please don’t kill me! Wait!”
The tour group moved on as if they hadn’t heard her.
In his mind, Rubio had to complement the intelligence department. They sure knew how to fuck with a bitch’s head. After a few more days of torture, they’d finally get around to questioning Sue Lin, and they’d let her tell them everything she knew. If she had valuable intel, great! If not, she’d still be begging for a chance to be a slave girl. No matter what happened, they won.


Black Star – Helmek’s Triumph

May 27, 2016 at 3:34 pm | Category: BDSM Art, Mr. Kane | No Comments

Black Star - Helmek's Triumph

Two days later, Captain Helmek Varkonem was crowned Emperor and took the dead Emperor’s wife Shaliba as his own wife. The lizards and worms on Madame Flera’s cunt had proved effective and she had confessed to murdering the Emperor. Inspector Mosko was pleased. He had been able to fuck her mouth while the long creatures bit her vagina, inside and out…
The enforced confession did not stop the interrogation sessions in the dungeons. Many equally innocent people were tortured and executed. Inspector Mosko personally supervised the interrogation of all Xagian women.
Some of the Counselors who had been close to the Emperor were executed, allegedly while trying to escape. Their wives and daughters were arrested and taken to a detention centre prior to being deported to the Ringstone. The most beautiful women were enslaved and kept for the Imperial Palace.
The dead Emperor’s heirs were accused of treason and were deported to Inderia, far beyond the Ringstone. Their craft exploded near Ring Seven, the final frontier. It was supposed they had been attacked by Dionian rebels who still controlled areas of the galaxy.
When Captain Helmek Varkonem held up the star-shaped black onyx that symbolized Imperial power, there was a buzz of protest from the assembly that soon became louder. People started shouting. Some nobles openly accused him of having no right to the scepter.
The Imperial Guard moved menacingly towards them, but Varkonem ordered them to stop. He took off all his clothes and showed them the birth mark that began on his penis. A gasp came up. It was the same mark as the one that Emperor Ancliones had shown them so often with pride. But on the Captain it flowed like a moving tattoo, snaking its way over his body…

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls – I bet your cunt is nice and sore now though

May 26, 2016 at 10:40 pm | Category: Badia, BDSM Art | No Comments

Mary's hell - Please, Tom, you’re scaring me!

Jessica was struggling to keep still, but even the rise and fall of her chest sent jolts of agony shooting through her swollen clit. She knew her aunt was mean, her childhood had turned into a nightmare whenever her mother sent her there for the summer. But she wasn’t a little girl anymore! She thought that as a young woman, her aunt wouldn’t dare try anything. And she desperately needed a cheap place to stay while she attended University.
“Okay,” her aunt had said. “But you live under my roof, it’s my rules.”
“MMGGGHHH! NNGGGHHHHH!” Jessica begged through the ballgag in her mouth as her aunt placed a clear glass bulb over her already swollen nipple. “EEERRGGGHHHH!”
It felt like her nipple was going to explode! Every pump of the rubber ball at its tip made the suction inside the bulb increase, causing her delicate nub to grow larger and redder. She pulled against the restraints holding her up, but she succeeded only in driving the wooden wedge between her legs further into her abused slit.

Lezdom underground – presented for sale

May 25, 2016 at 1:32 am | Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

Lezdom underground - presented for sale

As her potential buyer looked on, Elizabeth, her young body in anguish from the long sessions under the paddle, squirmed a bit in the tight embrace of Madam Fifi. “I suggest you calm down and stop struggling, girl,” the tall, big-boned and buxom red-haired trainer told her sternly. Otherwise I’m going to take you back to your cell and we’ll resume where we left off! Would you like that?”
“N-No, Madam,” Elizabeth answered meekly. The very thought of Madam Fifi’s paddle doing it’s work was enough to make her still and compliant to the Madam’s grasp.
“Good girl. You know how happy it makes me when you’re good. Now say ‘hello’ to Miss Rhonda.”
“Hello, Miss Rhonda” Elizabeth answered obediently.

She squealed into the putty, holding her mouth shut

May 24, 2016 at 8:27 pm | Category: Arcas, BDSM Comics | No Comments

She squealed into the putty, holding her mouth shut

Sally could only stare in disbelief. Even after 6 hours of torture, she couldn’t believe this was happening. How could her own boyfriend be doing all these horrible things to her? She and Lucas had been together for 3 years! Sure they had argued sometimes. Sometimes she’d even had to assert her authority and put him back in his place, when he got out of line. But she thought that was just normal for a couple. All her girlfriends had told her that she had to be firm, to keep a man in his place. Could he really have been this angry with her?
Lucas picked up the cane and brought it down hard on her thighs. She squealed into the putty, holding her mouth shut.
“You just couldn’t fucking shut up, could you!” screamed Lucas. “Nothing I did was ever good enough! I had to quit smoking, I had to quit drinking! I had to quit hanging out with my friends! I had to come to your stupid fucking pottery classes! Even the things I watched on TV! Everything I did, you had to fucking stick your nose in and change! Everything had to be an argument, and every argument you had to win!”
He began swinging the cane to punctuate each remark. Thwack! “I am sick!” Thwack! “And tired!” Thwack! “Of your fucking bullshit!” Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
Sally was crying now, as much from the things he was saying, as from the pain. This was a man who’d loved her once, how could she have screwed up so badly? Somehow she’d been such a bitch, she had turned him against her.
“Please,” thought Sally silently. “Please give me another chance! I’m sorry I was such a bitch. I was just trying to be an empowered and independent woman. I was just doing what everyone said I was supposed to do. I didn’t mean to make you hate me.”

Degradation in Rome – A Slave in love

May 23, 2016 at 4:39 pm | Category: BDSM Art, Mr. Kane | No Comments

Degradation in Rome - A Slave in love

His warehouses were run in strict military fashion. The slaves and their guards were controlled carefully. Sexual impulses were not allowed and were punished very severely if they occurred. Those slaves that he selected for pleasure rather than work were placed in the care of Mistress Adia, a famous whore who passed on her long experience in pleasing men…
Decius Portius imposed the same strict discipline on himself. He treated the slaves like commercial goods, even when he was conducting a physical examination of a new slave. He ordered each girl to strip naked, and then he ran his hands all over her body, pressing her buttocks and breasts, lifting them to judge their weight and firmness, and sticking his finger up their anuses and into their vaginas. He tested the slaves’ sensitivity by licking their nipples and blowing on them, and by feeling their clitorises and examining their cunt lips to see how quickly they were lubricating and opening. He especially valued a prominent clitoris that stuck out from its protective hood because it meant that the girl was very sensitive…
Unlike all the other slave traders, he never had sex with a slave himself. He used the information from his physical examinations only to put the girls into the right categories.

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls – What was wrong with these maniacs

May 22, 2016 at 11:41 am | Category: Badia, BDSM Art, BDSM Comics | No Comments

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls - What was wrong with these maniacs

The cum dribbling from her ass and pussy sizzled and evaporated as it dripped down towards the blazing brazier between Tiffany’s legs. The pair of psychos had just finished double teaming her, her holes still aching from their brutal rhythmic fucking. Now they were content to watch her squirm and squeal as heat from the brazier cooked the girl’s raw, dripping flesh.
“Woooohhheeee! Look at her twitch and dance!”
“Yeah, look at those pussy lips, they’re lathered in sweat and jiggling like jello! HAHAH!”
What was wrong with these maniacs, why were they doing this!?

Degradation in Rome – Ofering to the Gods

May 19, 2016 at 4:38 pm | Category: BDSM Art, Mr. Kane | No Comments

Degradation in Rome - Ofering to the Gods

Decius never really trusted his guards with the female slaves in his warehouses. He set up a system of rules and regulations and prohibitions, but he knew that when the men’s cocks were up, the men became brainless idiots. The slightest sniff of an unwashed vagina drove them crazy. He knew that many of the guards would be unable to resist the temptation, and sooner or later they would fuck the slaves.
Even his chief guard, Vorkus, could not be completely trusted. Decius knew that Vorkus sometimes turned a blind eye if he heard grunting and groaning coming from one of the cells. But in most cases Vorkus did his job well and reported any guards who fucked the women without permission. Offending guards were tied by the balls to a whipping-post and flogged. Sometimes, for his own amusement, Vorkus handed the whip to the woman who had been abused.
Virgin slaves were more valuable than others, and a guard who had penetrated a virgin was crucified and castrated. But even this was not always sufficient to dissuade some of the guards, who risked losing their balls to fuck a particularly attractive young woman.
Women who were penetrated were supposed to report the offence to Vorkus. If they did not, they were suspended on ropes, face down, so that their hanging breasts were an easy target, and they were caned all over their bodies. If they were pregnant, they were spared most of the punishment and were taken to the breeding warehouse, where they would give birth and so produce a new slave.

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls – Let me suck your cock, anything!

May 15, 2016 at 5:35 am | Category: Badia, BDSM Art | No Comments

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls - Let me suck your cock, anything!

“PLEASE! NOT AGAIN!” Maddy shrieked as the man began dragging her into the ‘playroom’, as her captor called it. He’d grabbed her three days ago when she’d been working the late night shift at the barista stand. He just kicked in the door, threw her in the trunk and drove off. It’d been three days and no one had found her yet! Where was everyone!?
“No, oh God please, no!” Maddy sobbed as he began binding her hands and legs, “Please, I’ll be good. I’ll fuck you good, please. Let me suck your cock, anything!”
“Now now, you know how I love to play our favorite game…” The man said, gently rubbing the flogger against her sore swollen tits.

Rebecca tried to tell herself it was all a bad dream

May 10, 2016 at 8:16 pm | Category: Arcas, BDSM Art | No Comments

Rebecca tried to tell herself it was all a bad dream

Rebecca tried to tell herself it was all a bad dream. That soon she would wake up in her comfortable bed, in her fancy apartment. But she knew that wasn’t true. The truth was her old life was over. She was no longer Rebecca Warren, successful New York lawyer. She was just Specimen 12, fucktoy to a bunch of horny alien monsters. This was her life now, and there was nothing at all she could do about it.


Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls – The dildo wasn’t overly thick

May 6, 2016 at 11:59 am | Category: Badia, BDSM Art | No Comments

Masterpieces just-kidnapped slavegirls - The dildo wasn’t overly thick

“My brother say’s you’ve been acting like a real bitch since you turned eighteen!” Bob said as he drove his special punishment dildo into his niece’s quivering cunt. The dildo wasn’t overly thick, but it was layered in scales like a fish, sharp metal scales that had been hastily welded on, leaving sharp edges that cut her tender walls and gaps that pinched her flesh so tightly that it would tear her when he finally removed it.
“PLLEEEEEAAASSSSSSSEEEEE!” Tammy screamed as her delicate pussy erupted in a hellfire of tearing, grinding agony that shot up through her belly and lodged in the back of her eyes like someone had driven ice-picks through them.
“SHUT UP!” Bob said, pulling the dildo out of her quivering hole and driving it back in again, brutally ramming into her cervix. She nearly collapsed from the shock, but he caught her in his arms. Then, while her vision was still filled with dancing white lights of agony, Bob reached into her mouth and pulled her tongue out. “Hope you don’t mind the clip, I’ll find a nice rusty fishing hook to hang you by next time.”

Tears streamed down Loretta’s chin

May 1, 2016 at 12:59 pm | Category: Arcas, BDSM Art | No Comments

Tears streamed down Loretta’s chin

Loretta tried to look behind her shoulder, at her captor. He was standing at an angle, so that she could just barely see him. Tied up the way she was, her head and neck could only move a tiny little bit and it was hard for her to see what was next to her or behind her.
Marco had a lot experience tying up women, and he always stood here, where they could almost see him. Where they had to work to see him. He found making them strain to look at him was an important way to maximize fear. And fear was his favorite part of the job.
He buzzed the surgical saw in his hand for a moment, letting her hear it but not fully see it.
“Now the first thing you have to understand, you brainless cunt, is that your old life is over,” said Marco. Loretta scanned the room in terror, searching for something to give her hope, but there was only Marco.
“Modeling, going to fancy clubs where the guys buy you drinks, your stupid dreams about an acting career… those aren’t ever going to happen.”
He stepped behind her and let her wonder how he knew so much about her.
“Now you’re a sex slave,” he said from behind her, where she couldn’t see. He let his voice wash over her, letting each word sink in. “A fuck-puppet. A cum-dumpster. You’re nothing but 3 holes that will pleasure whatever man wants to use you. You’re going to spend every moment, from now until the rest of your life, being trained and used to better serve men.”
Tears streamed down Loretta’s chin. She shivered.

Enemies of Rome – More training needed

April 27, 2016 at 10:44 am | Category: BDSM Art, Mr. Kane | No Comments

Enemies of Rome - More training needed

After the fucking came the fighting with wooden training swords. The German warrior was a match for any of the men, but the other women, mostly ex-whores, were better at fucking and pretending to have orgasms.
In combat the women took slaps on their naked breasts or buttocks over and over again. But they did sometimes slap a man on the cock or balls. The gladiators were not used to training naked and they sometimes forgot to protect themselves.
If a woman fought especially badly she was punished in front of all the others. She had to sit on the ground with her legs wide apart and then put her arms back and lift her bottom off the ground like a crab. In this position her cunt lips were open and her breasts were naked and defenseless…
Drusila chose two gladiators to work on the woman. One slapped her on the cunt with his wooden sword while the other slapped her naked breasts. If her bottom touched the ground she was taken to a table where she sat on a gladiator’s cock, facing him, and rode him. Then they pulled her head down and the second man fucked her ass.

Penance for innocence – spread her legs

April 26, 2016 at 5:44 pm | Category: BDSM Art, Hines | No Comments

Penance for innocence - spread her legs

Twenty year-old Irene had always been a nice, decent girl. The kind of girl who obeyed her parents every wish and volunteered to help those in need. Just the kind of innocent young thing that the Penance club was most interested in. Irene was fated to pay penance for having such a good stable life and also pay for being such an innocent in a world in which most of it’s inhabitants are selfish or evil or both.
Irene’s protests against her treatment served only to make things harder on her; the Penance women enjoyed hurting her and making her accept her place. But those experienced ladies knew that pain and suffering weren’t enough to overcome Irene’s learned and innate innocence; only when she was subjected to repeated and nonstop humiliation and realized the hopelessness of her situation would she be ready to begin her new life as a whore.
For the next phase of Irene’s training, Wilbur had been chosen to help prepare her. Wilbur. Short, dumpy, doughy and dim-witted Wilbur. Wilbur drooled and couldn’t carry on a decent conversation, but Wilbur had a fat, ten-inch cock and a set of low-hanging balls that seemed to churn up an almost endless supply of thick cum that made him a terrifying late-night visitor to any slavegirl’s cell. And even more of a horror to Irene when she was given to him to share his cell and serve as his steady girlfriend.
We advise you to treat Wilbur well, they told Irene. He gets frustrated easily and can get very unpleasant if he doesn’t get everything he wants from a girl. That’s why he was in that asylum for the criminally insane where we found him.
Irene could only tremble fearfully that night when Wilbur came back to his cell to meet his own personal girl. “Wilbur hurt you,” the slug-like man muttered, drooling. “Then Wilbur fuck you.”
“No! No, Wilbur! You don’t need to hurt me,” Irene pleaded. She desperately laid down on the stained mattress and spread her legs.

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